早安英文(MP3+文本) 第557期:sheep和goat的区别 您所在的位置:网站首页 sheep 和goat 早安英文(MP3+文本) 第557期:sheep和goat的区别

早安英文(MP3+文本) 第557期:sheep和goat的区别

2023-02-24 03:24| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于羊的单词:sheep:绵羊goat:山羊lamb:不足一岁的小羊羔(肉)mutton:老一点的羊肉十二生肖Chinese zodiac animals:(十二生肖中羊的表达是The sheep,虽然在中国人眼中不是很区分山羊和绵羊,但是其实在英文里sheep的意思相较于goat更加的正面哦!所以虽然说The year of the goat也没有错,但是The year of the sheep会更易让人接受。)猪-The Pig狗-The Dog鸡-The Rooster猴-The Monkey羊-TheSheep马-The Horse蛇-The Snake龙-The Dragon兔-The Rabbit虎-The Tiger牛-The Ox鼠-The Rat 关于sheep的一些表达:like sheep 盲从,无主见If people behave like sheep, they do not think independently, but follow what everyone else does or thinks.Boyfriends are led around the shopping mall like sheep.男朋友在逛街的时候就是被牵着走的。


sheepish 做错事后的困窘,不好意思。He looked sheepishly at his parents when they found out what he had done.他爸妈发现他做的好事后,他十分困窘不安。Jack looked sheepish for he ate sunny's sandwich by accident.强子不小心吃了Sunny的subway,现在他十分尴尬。a wolf in sheep's clothing 披着羊皮的狼A person or thing that appears harmless but is actually dangerous or bad.Don't trust Jack—he's a wolf in sheep's clothing who will try to steal your sandwich.强子这个披着羊皮的狼,一边说要请我吃饭一边把我的赛百味吃了! make sheep's eyes at (one) 充满爱意,仰慕地看着某人To give one an adoring, doting, or amorous look or glance.It's a bit weird, but Janet's boyfriend has been making sheep's eyes at me for the last hour.听上去是有点奇怪,但是Janet的男票一直在偷瞟我!Its strange but he has been giving me sheep's eyes all morning.他今天一上午都在看我,好奇怪。might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb 一不做二不休One might as well commit a worse offense, since the punishment will remain the same. (In the past, theft of a sheep was punishable by death.)I've already blown most of my savings, so what's another $100? Might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb.反正我的存款都快没了,还管这100美元干嘛?干脆一不做二不休。Jack: Shall we rob the big bank or the small bank?我俩去抢大银行还是小银行。Sunny: Might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb.一不做二不休,搞就搞大的! 关于goat的表达:act/play the ˈgoat (informal)瞎胡闹,搞事deliberately behave in a silly or foolish way.Sunny's students often act the goat.Sunny的学生老爱胡闹。Stop acting the goat or I'll send you out, I'm warning you.你们别一直闹了啊,不然我就把你们丢出去!警告你! get somebody's goat 激怒,惹怒某人(informal) annoy somebody very much.That woman really gets my goat. She does nothing but complain.那女的真的好烦!啥都不做就只知道抱怨!It really gets my goat when people smoke in non-smoking areas.每次看到别人在禁烟区抽烟我就好气!






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